Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Azhar - A Victim of Nasty Rumours

We are a little bit taken aback with the recent SMS case pertaining to Datuk Azhar Mansor would baptize a group of Malay converted to Christianity at a church in Ipoh on Sunday, 5th November 2006. The SMS had been circulated about a week before the said date.

When asked about the status of his religion whether or not he has converted to Christianity, Datuk Azhar has not deny the claim publicly but rather let the authorities investigate and hope people will be patient and not jump to conclusions which will not benefit anyone.

Azhar was reported as saying "I could not have done what was alleged in the SMS on Sunday because I was working at the yacht marina in Telaga Harbour, Langkawi just as I have done for the past four years."

Well, all we can do at the moment is wait until the authorities has done with their investigation and i believe sooner or later, all the speculations about Datuk Azhar Mansor will be answered.



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